HealYour life with
TRAMA Tuning
Transform your Relationships and Manifest Unlimited Abundance in your life!

If you are here, it is not by mere chance or coincidenceYou were guided here
In fact your Energy guided you here. Your need to elevate your life, feel loved, experience peace and enjoy true connection is the real reason you are here!
Energy is the unseen force that controls our life experience. Any problems we may be facing in life whether it is our bodily disease, relationship problems, emotional turbulence, financial issues or mental concerns are all rooted in our Energy. Painful and traumatic life events leave massive energetic imprints on us which get stuck in our subconscious mind as Emotional and Karmic Energy Blocks.

Traumatic experiences from early childhood

Our past actions and doings in this life and previous lives

Energy we carry from our parents, grandparents & ancestors

Collective wounds of humanity
as a whole
This is why you notice that some people are born privileged and comfortable while some others with tonnes of problems. It’s not a coincidence that it has happened this way. It’s Energy. Until the time we carry these blocks within us, no amount of self-development practices can prevent us from feeling stuck, unhappy and frustrated. Because, these strong energy blocks hold us back from accessing our true human potential. Identifying the blocks in the Energy Body and releasing them addresses these issues at the root, thereby releasing us from living a limited life once and for all.
In ancient times when humans lived closely with nature, they understood the impact that Energy had on their lives. Most Eastern healing practices followed a similar map of the Energy Body to heal and nourish their overall wellbeing including Indian Yoga, Chinese Qi Gong, Japanese Reiki, and so on.

Map of Energy Body consisting of Aura (an electromagnetic field of energy)
and Chakras (centers of energy, each responsible for a particular aspect of a person’s wellbeing).
While most ancient cultures had this Energetic map to guide them, renowned scientists who understood the workings of Energy presented it in a way that it benefits the scientific community and western world.

Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality.
– Albert Einstein
We are beings made up of the same energy as that of the stars, sky, plants, animals and non-living objects. Yet the distinguishing factor between us humans and other beings and things, is our level of consciousness. As humans, we are at a higher level of energy and vibration compared to other beings. And we have the choice and ability to raise our energy and consciousness.
Every human being is at a certain level of consciousness and vibrating at a particular frequency. Every word we speak, every thought we think and every action we do is vibrating at a certain frequency which is governed by our emotions.
Simply put, Emotion = Energy in motion.
One of the ways to raise our consciousness is by managing the emotions we generate. The emotions that we are feeling at any moment equals the energy we are vibrating at. Our overall vibration is a result of our collective emotions stored in our conscious and subconscious minds. You can refer to the Emotional Guidance Scale developed by Abraham Hicks to understand how our emotions energize or drain us.
It’s simple. The higher your vibrational state is, the better your life. By working through and releasing emotional and karmic blocks i.e. lower emotions that are stored deep in your subconscious mind, you are automatically raising your vibration. And as a result, you begin manifesting all that you need in this life journey.

Where do you think you fall in the vibrations chart?
Energy Healing clears your lower emotions at the very root, cleansing your Energy at a deep cellular level. The process of Energy Healing takes higher frequency energies from the cosmos, and pushes it down our energy body to release the lower frequency energies in our system. As you see in the chart, Higher frequency energies can be accessed only from the state of love and above. It is using this Love Energy that we clear your energy blocks of lower frequency.
At Human Connect, we believe thatLove is the fuel we need to feel truly alive
It’s the longing to love and be loved that forms the motivation for all our actions, whether positive or negative. Our life experiences wound our hearts, causing us to shut out ourselves. And loving others becomes a task, a challenge and sometimes even feels like a threat!
Most of the wounds in our heart are a result of expecting other human beings – our partner, parents, children, friends, etc. to love us. But when we discover the art of loving ourselves, and sharing that love with others, our life transforms!
Through TRAMA tuning, we unlock your ability to love yourself and fix all that you have lost in your life, including your broken heart. When the heart is open, love energy flows and the life of our dreams becomes a reality.

Based on your Energy, we customize anduse some of the following methods in healing you

Inner Child Healing

Sexual Trauma Release

Betrayal Trauma Therapy

Negative Belief Clearing

Ancestral Trauma Release

Evil Eye Cleansing

Karmic Energy Clearing

Past Life Regression

Cellular Reprogramming

Naadi Healing and Balancing

Chakra Healing and Balancing

Phobia Clearing
What you will experience through TRAMA Tuning
Although most people begin this healing process to resolve a particular problem in their lives, this program opens up channels for love, awareness and expansion in profound ways. TRAMA Tuning essentially seeds the energies that you want and need into your system. This course provides a space for us to approach our wounds and trauma with empathy and loving kindness, enabling us to love ourselves deeply. By loving ourselves, loving others and loving the universe, we awaken the ability to do good for ourselves and others. For us, this is the simplest way to experience growth and progress physically and spiritually.
Our healing module is divided into three levels.

Level 1– The Art of Loving Yourself
The first level is all about building a deep and loving connection with your inner self. Aligning studies from psychology, neuroscience and energy, we bring a unique healing process that helps you return to yourself.
Build a NEW You
The past is past. Now is the time for you to start over and give yourself the opportunity to begin again. Re-evaluate your values for life and receive the energy to build a foundation on which you can start living life on your own terms.
Take your Power back
Approach life with a new mindset. One that is rooted in love and power. Reconnect with your true inner self and understand all the ways you have given away your power. It’s time to get it back.
Reconnect with your Inner Child
Understand the unseen wounds of the child within you and establish a foundation of love to rebuild the lost connection with your inner child. It’s time to release the guilt, shame and fears in our energy.
Build New Habits
Discover transformative practices which can enormously change the way you perceive, experience and live your unique life. You will receive a powerful guide that will stay with you as you go through this evolutionary journey.

Level 2– The Art of Creating Powerful Connections
The outer world is a reflection of your inner self. As you begin healing your connection with yourself, the way you connect with the outside world begins to transform. While the outside world can mean numerous things, we have categorised it into four major areas that impact our wellbeing.
Relationship with People
The way you relate to other people is the basis for your success in life physically and spiritually. This level is specifically designed to help you identify your karmic patterns and navigate through all your relationships with Love and Power.
Relationship with Health
Emotional Trauma causes us to lose connection with our bodies, the greatest messengers of our emotional state. With the awareness that health is not related to physicality alone, we dive deeper into our mental wellbeing, emotional health and intimacy.
Relationship with Money
Money is an essential resource for our survival on this Earth. Our relationship with money determines how much money we are able to earn, give, receive and enjoy. Learn energetic states, mindsets, empowering beliefs and spiritual practices that help handle money energy.
Relationship with Experiences
Most of us are accustomed to rushing through life instead of taking the time to live moment by moment. Living moment by moment allows us to experience life in all its glory and vibrancy. Learn how various external factors influence how we live and enjoy our lives, including objects around us and the environment we live in.

Level 3– The Art of Receiving Divine Grace
Now that you have begun learning to love yourself and connect with the things that most profoundly influence your life, it’s time to look at the bigger picture. We are all a part of the universe and relating to the universe deeply and lovingly can transform our lives in unimaginable ways! The wisdom of various gurus, masters and saints to awaken your inner wisdom is here at this level.
Inner and Outer World
Learn the art of balancing your inner self with the outside world to effectively fulfill your purpose on this Earth.
Laws of the Universe
Every moment of our life is governed by the universe. By understanding the Laws of the Universe, you make the right choices which support you on your journey as a human being.
Aligning with the Five Elements
Water, Air, Earth, Fire and Space are the five elements which form the basis of our existence. Living in alignment with the five elements help us to function the way we are naturally meant to, enabling us to flow effortlessly into life. In this level, you learn how to connect and align with the five elements of this universe.
Manage your Energies effectively
As an individual, there are various energies at play which you need to manage in order to live your greatest life. In this level, you will learn to balance your Spiritual, Physical, Emotional, Mental and Business Energies in a way that supports your desired goals.
What is TRAMA Tuning ?
TRAMA Tuning
Customized one-on-one healing program with three levels spanning across a period of 3 months to transform your energy at a deep level.
Additional 3 months of exclusive access to Girish and support systems to help you grasp the intense transformation you have had in the process.
You will receive a powerful guide that will stay with you as you go through this evolutionary journey.
Gain Special access to our inner circle events to maintain your vibration at a higher level.
If you are looking to start over in life, TRAMA Tuning is a divine signal for you to redefine your past and build a new life. This time, with lots and lots of Love.
If you are ready to take the next step
and transform into the New You